Strategic Software Consultant

I'm the partner of choice for many of the world's leading enterprises. I help businesses elevate their value through solution discovery, software development, design, QA, and consultancy services. As your Strategic Software Consultant, I work across many technology products and delivery teams. The scope of technology is broad, and it is my job to understand how your technology applications holistically support and connect to create a sustainable technology ecosystem. The ecosystem of technologies may span to 3rd party applications, in-house developed solutions, business intelligence, data integrations, and of course, SaaS applications.

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Intelligent Advisor CORs Error


Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.


In order to allow only certain websites to embed an Intelligent Advisor interview or flow, you need to set up a cross origin request from the server hosting the application. This will ensure that only authorized sites can access the interview or flow.

  1. Log in to the Intelligent Advisor Hub web interface with a Hub administrator user role.
  2. On the dashboard page in the Permissions column, click View all permissions. The Permissions page is displayed.
  3. Click the Actions menu and select Access settings. The Access settings page is displayed.
  4. Under Interview access control, click Add Host.
  5. In the CORS hosts field, enter the address.

    The Access settings page in Intelligent Advisor Hub showing a CORS host allowing interview access control

    Note that:
    • Only https:http: and app: URL schemes are supported.
    • An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard to indicate any number of characters after the https:// or http:// and before the site name. For example, https://* Note that short wildcards such as http://*.com or http://* are not allowed.
    • The combined list of sites cannot exceed 8000 characters in length.
  6. Click Apply.